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Stretching for Heart Health: Gentle Movements To Regulate Stress and Circulation

Jan 31, 2025 08:25AM ● By Maya Whitman
forward bend

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The beauty of stretching is that it doesn’t require fancy equipment or hours of dedication. And, it doesn’t just improve flexibility and range of motion in the joints and muscles. In just a few minutes, simple stretches can reduce stress and improve heart health and circulation, too.

A 2020 meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that stretching exercises reduce arterial stiffness, resting heart rate and diastolic blood pressure, generally improving the functioning of blood vessels in adults.

A 2020 study published in The Journal of Physiology by the University of Milan also found improved blood flow, lower blood pressure and decreased stiffness of the arteries in 54 participants that completed a 12-week stretching program. People with stiff arteries often have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and/or inflammation. Good blood flow reduces arterial wall damage and may lower the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Try these heart-healthy stretches at least two to three days a week, and repeat each stretch on both sides two to four times.


 Seated Forward Bend: Sit on the floor with legs extended straight ahead. Keep the back straight and slowly reach forward for the toes, stretching as far as possible without straining. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds to gently stretch the hamstrings and lower back, while taking deep, controlled breaths to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the heart and muscles. Combining physical movement with mindful breathing reduces stress—a key factor in heart disease.


 Cat-Cow Stretch: Begin in a tabletop position with hands and knees on the floor. For the “cat” pose, arch the back toward the ceiling while tucking the chin to the chest. Gently shift into the “cow” position by lifting the head while allowing the belly to drop toward the floor. Flow between these two poses for 30 to 40 seconds, focusing on breathing. This stretch improves circulation, relieves tension in the spine and facilitates better blood flow throughout the body. It also enhances the connection between breath and movement, promoting relaxation and a steady heart rate.


 Chest-Opener Stretch: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp hands behind the back and gently lift them up as the chest is opened toward the ceiling. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds. Opening up the chest is great for posture; it also expands the lungs and improves breathing, boosting oxygen intake, which the heart needs to fuel the body efficiently and maintain healthy circulation.


 Downward Dog: Start in a tabletop position. Tuck the toes under and lift the hips toward the ceiling to form an inverted “V” shape. Keep the heels as close to the floor as possible and hold for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. This popular yoga pose stretches the shoulders, hamstrings and calves while promoting blood flow to the heart and brain and relieving tension in the body. It also encourages a calm, yet focused state of mind.


 Side Neck Stretch: Sit or stand tall, keeping the shoulders relaxed. Slowly tilt the head toward one shoulder until there is a feeling of a light stretch along the opposite side of the neck. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat on the other side. Stress often builds up in the neck and shoulders, which can lead to tension headaches and increased blood pressure. These gentle neck movements will modulate blood pressure and encourage relaxation. Pair the stretch with slow, controlled breathing to calm the nervous system, which can positively impact the heart.


 Seated Spinal Twist: Sit on the floor with legs extended. Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the outside of the left thigh. Place the right hand on the floor behind the back. Place the left elbow on the outside of the right knee. Twist gradually to the right while keeping the spine tall. Hold for 20 seconds, then repeat on the other side. This stretch improves spinal flexibility and stimulates blood flow around the major arteries of the torso. It also massages the internal organs, aiding digestion and indirectly benefiting cardiovascular health.


 Standing Hamstring Stretch: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Extend one leg out in front, placing the heel on the ground with the toes pointing upward. Softly bend the other knee and lean forward from the hips, keeping the back straight. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds, then switch legs. Stretching the hamstrings enhances blood circulation in the lower body, which can reduce pressure on the heart. This is particularly helpful for anyone that spends long periods sitting during the day.


Maya Whitman is a regular contributor to Natural Awakenings.

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